
A Better Life Starts with a Beautiful Smile

Sorriso Dental Clinics

Hollywood Smile

Many ways to reach Hollywood smile :

You may need to make more than one procedure at the same time.

Teeth whitening: you may choose to whiten your teeth by bleaching or laser.‎

Teeth implant: loss or fracture of teeth may prevent you from smiling with confidence.

Veneer: veneer and dental contact lenses add a perfect look to your smile.‎

When Hollywood smile doesn’t suit you :

We advise you not to make Hollywood smile if you have.

Unhealthy teeth.

Gum diseases.


Teeth weakness.

Insufficient enamel. ‎

Teeth grinding.

When to make Hollywood smile :

Teeth stains.

Teeth color changes.

Cosmetic filling in the front teeth.

Teeth Fracture.

Uneven teeth.

Gaps among the teeth.

Benefits of Hollywood smile :

Having natural and better look of your teeth ‎

Veneers resist stains which guarantee white teeth for longer ‎

Help you get beautiful smile besides treat some of teeth problems

In Sorriso Dental Clinic We Offer a Solution to all Oral Problems

Treatments For the Mouth, gums and teeth to treat the roots of the teeth and nerves